Friday, January 12, 2007

Noah's Ark


Aaron said...

Great pictures!

ljm said...

Those are's hard to get really good pictures with that chain link fence in the way. All of mine ended up deleted except for maybe one of the monkeys.

Claire said...

...and one of the hippos. Just kidding!

When we were there, Ethan said he saw some hippos near the monkey cage.
( Or maybe "IN" the monkey cage...?) They must have been very special, imaginary hippos because no one else saw them!

Claire said...

And HEY- the other day I was in Brad's store, and the parents/owners/proprietors of Noah's Ark came in to get a new lens for a camera. They had just returned from China where they had adopted a child...Cool, huh? I should have asked them how they fed the imaginary hippos...